Wednesday 17 February 2010

Move to Oakwood apartment

This afternoon we finally moved to the corporate apartment in a nice area known as Azabu Juban and what a relief it is to be here. I never thought I could be so pleased to see a highchair and a microwave.

They have a great foreign supermarket just around the corner from this apartment so I went in there and bought lots of familiar foods (at vast expense) so this I've just had some toast with Bon Maman marmalade and a cup of tea. It's amazing how good simple food can taste when you've had to eat out or off room service for 6 days.

I've just unpacked after putting Aoife to bed and am feeling very tired. We thought we had cracked Aoife's jet lag the other night when she slept through apart from waking at 11pm for a bottle (admittedly I had also given her calpol for a cough she has so that probably helped her sleep) but last night it was back to waking for three hours between 11pm and 2am and then again at around 3am. I think it's just because she's waking hungry in the night as it would normally be her tea time when it's 2am here.

It's been hard to get her to eat proper meals during the day because she's drinking so much milk in the night. Hopefully being in the apartment and having the kitchen and the highchair will help make mealtimes more successful and in fact this evening she ate a good bowl of pasta so cross fingers she sleeps better tonight. The jet lag has definitely been difficult for her and even though I'm sure it's only a matter of time before she adjusts these past 5 days have felt like weeks...

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